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10 #MarketingFails That Kill B2B Startups in their First Year

1. Not having a marketing plan. define your target audience, set goals, and develop strategies to reach them. Without a marketing plan, you’re flying blind and more likely to waste your marketing budget.

2. Not knowing your target audience, or worse — thinking that you do. interview a ton of people to understand your ideal customers unequivocally. Don’t assume anything.

3. Starting marketing too late. Don’t wait until you have a finished product to start building your marketing identity — it needs to be embedded into your product from day one. Know who you are.

4. Not measuring your results. Embed every possible signal in what you do so you have a quick understanding of what works and what doesn’t. Quick learning and adjustment is critical.

5. Investing in vanity metrics. Metrics you’re measuring must be a real representation of your system’s performance. For example, increased traffic to your website is pretty meaningless without measuring time spent and conversion metrics.

6. Creating two or more brands. Don’t confuse your audience with multiple brands. If you have a company called “star” and a product called “mars”, you now have double the work to create brand awareness. One consistent brand, one consistent message. Sub-brands are for biggies.

7. Talking about your product, and not about your customer’s needs. Your marketing should be focused on solving your customers’ problems, not on selling your product. Focus on your customers’ needs — build relationships.

8. Expecting to convert a blog post reader into a user. It takes time to build trust and relationships with potential customers. Don’t expect someone to read one of your blog posts and immediately become a paying customer. Instead, focus on providing valuable content that will keep people coming back for more.

9. Not establishing multiple touch points. A touch point is any potential customer interaction with your brand. This could include visiting your website, reading your blog, attending one of your events, etc. The more touch points you have with potential customers, the more likely you are to convert them into users.

10. Giving up. There will be setbacks along the way. Don’t let them discourage you. Keep learning, keep trying, and never give up on your dream. That’s how you build an empire 💪

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